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Dynamics of diuron and sulfentrazone formulations in soils with different textures Planta Daninha
A. Matos,Ana K.; Carbonari,Caio A.; F.S. Brito,Ivana P.; L.G.C. Gomes,Giovanna; B. Trindade,Maria L.; D. Velini,Edivaldo.
Abstract Background: The use of commercial mix and tank mix with two or more herbicides is a widespread practice. However, despite its several possible benefits, little is known about its effect on the behavior of the molecules in the soil, which can increase or reduce the leaching potential of these molecules. Objective: This study evaluated the leaching potential of the herbicides diuron and sulfentrazone applied, using commercial mix and tank mix, in soils with different textures. Methods: The herbicides diuron (1,750 g ha-1) and sulfentrazone (875 g ha-1) were applied in three soils with different textures (clayey, medium, and sandy), using a commercial mix (Stone®) and a tank mix (Herburon 500 BR + Boral®). Subsequently, the treated soils were...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Herbicide; Leaching; Commercial mix; Tank mix.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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